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Growing up with Grey's Anatomy

For 9 years now , I have been a faithful fan of Grey's Anatomy, I have been watching it and God knows how many times I have cried, giggled , and laughed with the characters or screamed at my screen in protest. It's like I was living with them, watching them fulfill their dreams , secretly wishing I was Mer or Christina, secretly wondering how my life would have been if I went on with that Interview in Med School, secretly Dreaming.

Growing up with Mer have made me realize how much we have both changed since episode one; from being dark and twisty into being a wife, a mother and an attending Medusa.

Watching Karev growing up, being a mature doctor . Remember the time he almost killed a guy in the elevator ? Yes, we have came along way since then, Karev and I . Watching Yang being herself in the OR, being the bright amazing surgeon every time she operates on a heart, or every time her heart skips a beat at the sight of Owen.

It is like living in a parallel life, an alternative reality , experiencing the feelings of the characters , befriending them, loving them , laughing with them , crying for their losses and misfortunes; watching them lose people along the way … and they still have amazing stories to tell us … It is my magical world, My escape .. thank you Shonda, even though sometimes I get mad at you.. I know you have been an essential part of my alternative reality.  Thanks!


"تَ نكبر بعد بكيـــر ..شو صاير شو صاير؟"

اليوم كبرت عاما.. اشعر بأنني اكبر و اكثر خبرة في الالم .. اكثر خبرة في مجال الصدمات الموجعة و الذاكرة القاسية .. و الاوطان التي تنفي ابنائها  ... و المستقبل المبهم .
اليوم .. كانت فيروز تغني لنا بشجن اكبر و بحزن اكبر .. كأنها تعرف ما الذي يحصل لنا يوما بعد الاخر .

اليوم كبرنا و لم نكبر .. ما زالت حياتنا تعاملنا بنفس القسوة و بنفس المكابرة
اليوم ... ربما كبرنا ؟