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Graduation Advice.. for me

I am graduating soon, Alhamdulelah, and I wanted to write something as a last minute realization if I ever decided to pursue with post graduate degree, not to do the same mistakes again, or maybe do them! So here it goes ….

The past year has seen unforgettable events in the world, and in our worlds- ups and downs, revolutions, misfortunes, lots of endings, and many new beginnings; Most of them unforeseen, and many that changed our lives and re -shaped the way we think.
So here I am trying to absorb some of what has happened and how it changed the way I think.
My first advice as an architecture student would be: after today, TRY NOT to pull all nighters anymore, and if you do , then do NOT do it while listening to Om Kalthom. It does not work. This is the only advice that is tested and proven by the many all nighters I pulled; the rest would be based on my observations and conclusions of the experience of being a student, I will dispense this advice now.
Be as unexpected as past year, as revolutionary, as mysterious. Have your own ups and downs, successes and failures,  don’t let your successes misguide you, nor your failures destroy you , for the glory is not in never failing , but in standing  after you’ve failed.  
Be as memorable as past year, let your presence be the change people always expected, let your words be the speeches they have been waiting for, and let your memory be as extraordinary as that of a sweet dream.
Be as inspirational as past year, do things you've never planned for, do the things you always thought of as farfetched, and do the plans you have always pushed off till after graduation, and above all, do all of your plans TODAY, for tomorrow is as mysterious as the past year.
Keep a small note book in your pocket or purse, for you never know when news, people and places flash you with inspiration, or keep your mobile handy so you can tweet about them.
Be tolerant, for the truth has more than only your side.
Visit the cities you have kept itching at the back of your memory, it's about time to see them for real, not as collaged images in your mind.
Make friends with your siblings, for they are the ones who know when you need a Redbull drink.
Make friends with your parents, for they are the ones who worry so much they ban Redbull from your house.
Do not feel guilty if you still do not know what your next step is, the most inspirational people are those who are spontaneous, and true to themselves.


Read the newspaper every morning, think about the news, but forget them while having breakfast.

Remember those who left you, and those who are still around, and be faithful to all.
Take the memories of the long Deli-Marche's launch "breaks", and the long hours you had to pull because of those breaks.

Take the memories of all the hysterical laughs you had while pulling an all-nighter for an exam or a review, and the memories of frustration that accompanied them.

Take the memories of all the times you had to fight with the security to leave the architecture building open 10 more minutes so you can finish your model.

Take the memories of all the times you went to the library to study "quietly" and with no distractions, and spent the whole day talking to your friends.

Take the memories of that time when you gave a great speech in class, when you surprised yourself with a painting, when you had an amazing review, or a very bad presentation, and when you couldn’t help but sleeping in class.

Take all of your contradictory memories, all of your special moments, everything you've learnt, and everything that frustrated you; embrace them and let them teach you how to start fresh.
Make your goal to graduate from life with respect, honor and admiration, and with no regrets.
Finally, be as worth-sharing as past year's events. Let everything you do be a story, worth-telling and worth-learning from. Let your mistakes be the key for others' successes, and let your contradictions be the very best stories you get to share.


ماذا لو ؟

تساءلت ... ماذا لو؟

تمنيت في يوم بعيد أن استطيع ان اغير هذا الجزء القريب البعيد من شخصيتي , عليَ أرى العالم بعينٍ أخرى. ربما تغيرت قناعاتي و و أرائي و ردود افعالي . ربما تغير حبي للمدن و للشعر و القلم . و ربما وجدت طريقي كي أعود مثلي أنا ... أنا!
ماذا كان سيحصل مثلا لو كان أسمي في البطاقة الشخصية سمير؟ هل كانت نظرتي لحقوق المرأة ستتغير؟ او كانت جنسيتي مثلا أسبانية؟ هل كان عشقي الخفيَ لغرناطة مريمة لينعدم؟
ماذا لو كنت ولدت مثلا في زمن المأمون؟ هل كنت سأجعل من بيت الحكمة بيتي؟ او كنت سأكون مهمشة في أحد القصور؟ او كنت سأكتب شعرا كما كتب بشار بن برد؟
يا ترى لو كنت ولدت في أفغانستان , هل كنت سأناصر القدس و هل كنت سأحب بغداد كما احبها الان؟ و اعشق القاهرة كما اعشقها الان؟ و اكره التطرف و اناصر حقوق الاسلام؟!
هل تساءلت يوما ماذا لو وجدت في هذه الدنيا في زمن ألمانيا هتلر؟ او اسرائيل ديَان ؟ او عراق الرشيد ؟ لو كان أسمك هيلاري ؟ او موشيع!؟ اية حياة كنت ستحيين؟ و اية قناعات ستغيرين.
هل كنت ساتجرع ترياق الحياة كما افعل؟ اسمع شعرا له عند المغرب و أقرأ رواية تذكرني بها؟ و أنام و انا أكتب عنهما!!
ماذا لو... سؤال يستحق التفكير.



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