تناقضات ذاكرة مغتربة ...



تحقق ذلك الحلم الذي كنت اريد .. او تلك الخطوة التي تقود اليه 
فمالي اشعر هكذا اذن؟ مالي لا ارقص فرحا بعد تعب اشهر! مالي لا اشعر بالراحة التي تسع الكون بما فيه؟

نفسي الطماعة تأبى الا ان تفكر في القادم ! تأبى ان تفرح في الذي بين يدي!
عجبي ايها الانسان .. كم جاحد انت!


\ˌä-pər-ˈtü-nə-tē, -ˈtyü-\

Opportunity | \ˌä-pər-ˈtü-nə-tē, -ˈtyü-\ | a favorable juncture of circumstances

This is what the dictionary tells me when I type "opportunity", a juncture of circumstances in your favor, but YOU my dear have to seize them before they pass you. You work your best, you try and try and keep trying.. You aim , shoot .. and wait.
You wait to see if your shot has hit the spot, and if it hasn't you aim again, you shoot again… and you wait.

After this very long waiting, something happens… something changes.
Your shot has made a mark, and you my friend have seized your opportunity, it's time to work now, to work so hard.. to prove that YOU – of all people – have deserved this opportunity .


Congratulations you have earned your opportunity.. Time to use it, time to WORK.